<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/28fab65a-f46c-4146-a0b1-e914dbcdb27f/fb5bf85d-7803-4d1c-b0b7-55db290db7ce/Mask_group_(20).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/28fab65a-f46c-4146-a0b1-e914dbcdb27f/fb5bf85d-7803-4d1c-b0b7-55db290db7ce/Mask_group_(20).png" width="40px" /> .


Crypto Rumble Basics

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/28fab65a-f46c-4146-a0b1-e914dbcdb27f/747190c1-fcbb-4669-aa26-cdd62fe9beb5/Mask_group_(19).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/28fab65a-f46c-4146-a0b1-e914dbcdb27f/747190c1-fcbb-4669-aa26-cdd62fe9beb5/Mask_group_(19).png" width="40px" /> Crypto Rumble begins as a Proof of Concept built on Zypher’s World Engine, an infra for building Autonomous Worlds. It's one of the first tile-matching games leveraging ZKP (Zero-Knowledge Proofs) for move-log aggregation and offering a web-2 level user experience. The Crypto Rumble PoC was crowned as the first-place winner, securing a $15,000 prize at the BNB Chain Hackathon Istanbul. Inspired by the PoC, the game has evolved into a fully on-chain, self-evolving autonomous world, brimming with adventure.

Crypto Rumble is now opening up its Beta Playtest to its community.


How to Participate in the playtest Campaign

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/28fab65a-f46c-4146-a0b1-e914dbcdb27f/9475b879-5000-479d-8719-68a73c92145e/zyphergame_Green_furry_monster_wearing_a_Christmas_hat_and_hold_a08e9362-fd01-4819-923a-14a15ed0fbf4_1.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/28fab65a-f46c-4146-a0b1-e914dbcdb27f/9475b879-5000-479d-8719-68a73c92145e/zyphergame_Green_furry_monster_wearing_a_Christmas_hat_and_hold_a08e9362-fd01-4819-923a-14a15ed0fbf4_1.png" width="40px" /> Zypher Games is hosting a playtest from Dec 25 to Jan 16 on the opBNB testnet. And hosting the 2nd playtest from Feb 6 to Feb 26 on the Taiko testnet. This special version includes 3 basic stages and 1 'Boss Challenge' stage. For more details on our playtest, please refer to our official announcement.


  1. Visit opBNB's official network faucet document to claim test $tBNB tokens.Use the testing bridge to transfer test $tBNB tokens to the opBNB testnet for gas tokens. Test bridge link: https://opbnb-testnet-bridge.bnbchain.org/deposit.


  2. To receive Holesky Testnet Ether, which is necessary for interacting with Taiko (Katla) deployed on the Holesky testnet, you can use various faucets available online. Here are the links to some of the available Holesky ether faucets:


  1. Go to app.zypher.game and choose Crypto Rumble. Connect your wallet and switch to the opBNB testnet Mint a Hero with 0.005 $tBNB to start the game.

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  2. The playtest version includes 4 games: 3 basic stages and 1 Challenge Stage, each with increasing difficulty and rewards like Gold Points, Mystery Boxes, and Experience XPs.

    Gameplay Rewards
    3 Basic Stages PVE game against Christmas Bosses Participants who win the first 3 games can claim a limited-edition Christmas Mystery Box. These special rewards will be redeemable for mystery boxes upon the mainnet launch.
    Boss Challenge Stage Leaderboard ranked by ATKs under fixed moves Gamers ranking in the top 100 on the leaderboard will share a prize pool of $500+ in rewards from Zypher Games

    chrome-capture-2023-12-26 (10).gif

  3. Players start with 1 Hero, no equipment and keep acquiring mystery boxes after defeating bosses. They can open the mystery boxes to get more heroes, equipements or level up heroes. Different Hero & Equipment combinations can result in varying ATK points for the same move (see next section for detailed rules).