Players can use Gold Points to mint Zypher’s Depository Pass (DP) NFTs. The DP NFTs represent a premier class of assets within the Zypher ecosystem. When Gold Points are used to mint DP NFTs, they are directed back to the Gold Points Minting Protocol and effectively nullified.

DP holders may stake their DPs on Zypher’s NFT marketplace to earn a share of the profits from the Green (Platform Revenue) Vault, thus partaking in the revenue potential of the entire platform. Additionally, DPs can be listed for sale on marketplaces in exchange for $ETH, with Zypher facilitating matchmaking and liquidity support.

It’s important to note that the minting price of a Depository Pass is dynamic, reflecting the platform’s revenue performance and market expectations. Despite this variability, all DPs share equal treatment in profit-sharing stakes. For instance, a DP(T₁) priced at 1.3 times the Base Price (the price at T₀) will carry the same weight in revenue sharing as a DP( T₀).

The formula for calculating the Depository Pass Minting Price is as follows:

Depository Pass Minting Price = BV × [1− Debt Adaptation Coefficient (DAC) × Debt Rate] ×
[1 + (Performance Coefficient (PC) × Protocol growth Rate / interest rate)]

* BV = DP's Base Value